
Showing posts from August, 2017

How To Overcome Jealousy In Relationships

Brad Browning here. Today, I’ll be talking about jealousy and how to overcome jealousy in relationships. This is a huge topic that definitely can’t be covered fully on a single piece. So I’m just going to scratch the surface here and give you some key tips for dealing with jealousy. You probably won’t be surprised to hear that jealousy is an issue for many, many married couples. In fact,  a recent study  found that one-third of couples who attended counseling cited jealousy as a primary cause of their marriage problems. So clearly, jealousy is a major problem for a lot of married couples. Let’s talk about some ways you can keep jealousy in your relationship check and avoid damaging your marriage. Before we jump into that though, I want to quickly explain the difference between normal healthy jealousy, the kind of benign jealousy that’s present in almost every romantic relationship and unhealthy jealousy which is an often irrational and highly toxic to a marriage. Heal

Ladies! How To Recognise A Proper Gentleman!

Now listen up. Two tribes I work with most; the Igbo and the Yoruba. Ladies, this one is for you, an eye opener. You see that Yoruba man garbed in a well tailored ‘agbada’ with fancy shoes to match? The one showing off his mammy market Rodex? This is his display picture, and on his profile he has up to 50 or more pictures of him posing here and there. 80% of the time, these types are broke, and looking for were to pitch their parasitic tents. Or, that Igbo man who on the first meeting or discussion, is bragging to you about this or that, eager for you to see him as ‘somebody’ He is most likely broke, too. A typical Igbo in this category would impress you on the first two dates, build your view of him, take your breath away, and when he sees he has hit a climax with you, that in your eyes you see him as rich or wealthy or whatever way he hopes you see him, he would withdraw. You are tethered to him now. You would stick with him in the hope that things go back to the way they on

What Is More Important In A Relationship; S3x Or Money?

For me, money is infinitely more important in a relationship. There can be no proper romance without enough cash or things just become dull and routine. How do you plan candle lit dinners or a stroll on the beach if you don’t have entry fee? How do you plan to go to the Cinema or to gift roses and perfumes? You would write love notes a lot and even those would get boring. For me it is money!! But I might be wrong. Share your thoughts on this topic with me in the comments section below.

“Are We Exclusive? When Does Dating Turn Into A Relationship?”

A reader wonders how to define a relationship with a guy she met on Tinder. This is part 1 of myself and Robert Dunn on his Orion Group Podcast, episode 36 ( link to full episode opens in new window here ). This text starts at the 1:24 mark. Find Robert at  and  subscribe to his podcast on iTunes here . Robert:  This is from Molly: “I met my guy on Tinder almost four months ago. It started very casually at first. Dates about twice a week. Now it has become more serious. We stay in touch throughout the day, seeing each other four to five times a night – a week and have been getting to know each other on a deeper level. I’ve read that it’s better to avoid having the “define the relationship” conversation and just let it happen naturally, which is how this seems to be going, except for last night. I was at his place and my phone buzzed and he said, “Was that a Tinder match?” in obviously a joking tone. I just laughed and said, “No.” Why would he ask m

9 Ways To Get Your Husband To Recommit To Your Marriage

Does it ever feel like you and your spouse are roommates instead of lovers? Are you worried that they’ve  already got one foot out the door ? If so, don’t panic. My name is Brad Browning. I’m a relationship coach from Vancouver. Today I’m going to talk to you about how you can get your spouse to recommit to your marriage. A fact that many of us have overlooked is that being happily married is a tough skill that most of us weren’t taught, which is why it’s completely normal for spouses to hit a bump in the road from time to time. On a regular basis, I work with married couples who are working on making a brighter future together. Believe me when I say that as long as your spouse is still there, it’s completely possible to get them to recommit to your marriage. Here is how to do it. 1. Control your emotions. When you realize that your spouse isn’t fully committed to your marriage, it’s important that you keep your emotions in check. It’s completely normal to be upset

11 Reasons To Quit Telling Yourself You’re Too Old For Great Sex And Get Busy

Do you believe that being “middle-aged” means that you’re doomed to lead a boring and sexless existence? It certainly does not! In fact, it’s the perfect time to feel sexy and cultivate a rocking sex life. Mid-life isn’t about the ending of life, it’s about stepping into our real selves. It begins by making the decision to turn a “Midlife Crisis” into a “Midlife Beginning”. While that process may include things like getting in shape or finding a new hobby, it also includes reinvigorating and redefining our sexuality. Many of us who have had the same partners for years  push sex aside  as an unimportant part of our lives. However, sex is a hugely important aspect of being in a committed relationship. If you’re living together but not having sex, let’s face it: you’re just roommates. What’s so great about sex, anyway — especially in midlife? Here are 11 spectacular reasons to stoke your sexual fire and make sparks with your spouse: 1. Midlife sex is about freedom. Yo

This Are 6 Steps To Fixing Your Sexless Marriage Once And For All

There’s not much drama, no fighting. You’re married, you’ve been together for years and maybe you’ve even raised children together. The love is still there but the spark just isn’t. As months drift into years, you realize you’re in a sexless marriage. My name is Brad Browning and I’m a relationship coach and marriage expert. Today I’m going to talk to you about how to revive sex and intimacy so that you and your spouse can finally inject some passion back into your marriage. Believe or not, it’s common for the frequency of love making to wane over time and there can be many reasons for this. Maybe the novelty has worn off or you and your spouse are busy with jobs, children and social lives leaving you little time and energy for intimacy. Perhaps you’re  not in the mood  because you have poor body image or you’re experiencing other difficulties in your relationship. Your sex life maybe dwindling due to physiological factors, chronic illness, medication, depression or addicti